History of computer | Development and Generations

Hello friends, today we will learn a very interesting topic History of computer in very easy and simple language. We will understand the history of computer in detail by paying attention to all the points. So let’s start.

Friends, it is said that Need is the mother of Invention, that is, necessity is the mother of invention. Friends, we see something similar with computers as well. Computers were invented hundreds of years ago, but with time scientists and engineers made many changes to it, the result of which you can see how computers that were once as big as a room have shrunk to a 24-inch display today.

With the change in size, you can also understand the change in their working capacity. Anyway, this is the era of online, every work is being done with the help of computers today, so in today’s time you will find computers everywhere, whether it is a private office or a big government bank. Due to the increase in digital marketing, the load on the computer has increased even more because people are using computers for everything from video editing to creating websites and entertainment, even for playing games. So let’s understand what a computer is and what has been its history.

What is a computer ?

If we understand in simple language what a computer is, then the word computer is derived from the word (Compute), which means to count or calculate. In technical terms, a computer is an electronic device that gives us information by processing data under the control of a program (a set of instructions). 

Data can be of any type such as biodata of a person, marks of a student, details of various passengers (name, age, gender), etc. A computer has an input device to send data, a processing unit for processing and an output device to present the result obtained .

How many types of computers and what are their features ?

There are many types of computers, which can be classified on various basis, such as size, use, capacity, and according to their functionality. If we talk about the use, then it can be divided into three parts –

1. Personal Computer – This is the most common type of computer which is used for personal work, such as homework, internet browsing, gaming etc. This is the most commonly used computer in all homes.

2. Mainframe Computer – This is a computer used by large organizations for heavy data processing. It serves many users simultaneously. Example: Banking sector, government institutions, etc.

3. Super computer – It is the fastest and most powerful computer. It is used in complex scientific calculations, weather forecasting, and nuclear research. For example PARAM, Cray etc.

Following are the types of computers based on size and performance –

1. Microcomputer – It is small in size and suitable for general use. It is used in offices, homes and small businesses. Example: Desktop, Laptop etc.

2. Minicomputer – It is smaller than a mainframe computer, but is capable of serving more users. It is used in small to medium-sized businesses and educational institutions.

Following are some features of computer –

  • After feeding all the information in it, it works automatically so that we do not have to put in much effort to get the result nor it requires many people.
  • Its speed is so fast that it can do in a few seconds the work that a human would do in a year, hence its presence saves our time.
  • If we talk about mistakes then it can give us maximum work without making any mistake, if the input is correct then it gives the output with 100% accuracy.
  • Computer has a huge storage capacity due to which it can store many things like images, videos, pdf etc.
  • The biggest feature of a computer is that it never gets tired. Whatever information you enter, it will work for you without getting tired and with full speed and accuracy.

When did the computer start? | History of computer

If we talk about the beginning of the computer, then it was started in China about 3000 years ago with the making of abacus. It was in the 16th century when the idea of ​​making a computer came to mind for the first time and it was started using a girl. Let us know how the computer reached here.


It was first made by Li Kai Chen of China, which was a mechanical device and its job was to calculate. It is a frame made of wires, beads (baked clay balls with holes in them) are strung on the wires. This frame has two parts, the first part is called Heaven and the second larger part is called Earth.

One type of frame has two beads on each wire, each having a value of 5 and the other type has 5 beads on each wire, each having a value of 1. This is a rectangular frame which was mostly used by businessmen for calculations. It was also used to find square roots.

Napier Bones

These were rectangular strips made of animal bones. The numbers 0 to 9 were written on 10 rectangular strips in such a way that the tens digit of one strip came near the unit digit of the other strip. It was used for fast multiplication. The result of multiplication was represented by a graphical structure.

Charles Babbage and the Difference Engine

Charles Babbage, a professor of mathematics at Cambridge University, developed a mechanical calculating machine that could solve tables made by humans without error. Charles Babbage built this machine in 1822, which he named the Difference Engine. With the help of this machine, algebraic expressions and statistics could be solved with accuracy up to 20 digits. This machine had shafts, gears and was run by steam.

Analytical Engine

After the success of the Difference Engine, Charles Babbage designed another calculating machine which had an artificial memory and did calculations according to the given program. He named this machine Analytical Engine. This machine had five main parts: input unit, store, mill, control and output unit. This machine was capable of doing many types of calculation related tasks. This Analytical Engine of Charles Babbage became the basis of modern computers, that is why Charles Babbage is considered the father of computers. This machine had the ability to store instructions and the results could be printed automatically through it.

Tabulating machine

Based on the concept of Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine, American scientist Herman Hollerith designed this machine. Data was stored in this machine with the help of punch cards. The work of reading numbers in it was done with punched cards. The census of 1890 was done using this machine and later in 1924 it was named International Business Machine.

By 1940, electro-mechanical computing had reached its peak. Four top engineers of IBM and Dr. Howard Aiken developed this machine and named it Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator, which was later renamed Mark 1. This was the first fully automatic electromechanical machine.


The full form of ENIAC is Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator. It was the first digital computer which had 18000 vacuum tubes and a combination of twenty accumulators. It was used in private firms, Engineers Research Association and IBM.

Generations of The Computer

Order.GenerationPeriodTechnology used
1First Generation (1st Gen.)1946-1956Vacuum Tube
2Second Generation (2nd Gen.)1956-1964Transistor
3Third Generation (3rd Gen.)1964-1970IC (integrated Circuit)
44th Generation (4th Gen.)1970-1985LSI and VLSI
5Fifth Generation (5th Gen.)1985-till nowAI and Robots

First Generation of Computer

Computers from 1940 to 1955 are classified as third generation computers. Magnetic and circuit drums were used for memory in the first generation computers due to which they were very large and used to take up space equal to a room. They consumed a lot of electricity and heated up very quickly due to which they got damaged quickly. They were also very expensive. Their operation was dependent on machine language due to which they could solve only one problem at a time. UNIVIC (Universal Automatic Computer) and ENIAC (Electrical Numerical Integrated and Computer) are examples of the first generation.

Second Generation of Computer

Computers from 1956 to 1963 are classified as third generation computers. In this generation, transistors were used instead of vacuum tubes, due to which the second generation came into existence. Transistors were discovered in 1947, but their widespread use began after 1950 and with their use, it proved effective in making computers smaller, faster, cheaper.

In this, magnetic core memory was used instead of magnetic drum. Transistors also generated heat but less than vacuum tubes. Second generation computers also relied on punch cards for input and printouts for output. Computers of this generation were the first to be used for the nuclear energy industry.

Third Generation of Computer

Computers from 1964 to 1970 are classified as third generation computers. IC (Integrated Circuit) was used in computers of this generation. Transistors were made smaller and mounted on silicon chips which were called semiconductors. This increased the capacity and speed of the computer considerably. In this, monitor and keyboard were introduced in place of punch cards and printouts for input and output and the user was introduced to the operating system. A new high level language was developed in the third generation computers which was named BASIC and it was very easy to learn.

Fourth Generation Computer

Computers from 1971 to 1984 are placed in the category of third generation computers. In this generation, with the manufacturing of LSI (Large Scale Integrated) and VLSI (Very Large Scale Integrated) chips, there was complete control over input, output and processing unit. Also, the computer could now be held in hands in size. Its chip was as big as a finger nail and its name was Intel 4004. Later this small chip was named microprocessor and the computers in which this chip was used were named microcomputers. In the computers of this generation, software for doing application and database work was developed.

Fifth Generation of Computer

Computers from 1985 till now are placed in the fifth generation. In this generation computers, emphasis is being laid on the development of artificial intelligence but it is still in the process of development. Computers of this generation have been designed according to the needs of the user, which are very light and look attractive in size. In the fifth generation, multimedia has developed a lot and the use of internet has increased to a great extent.

Important years in Growth and Development of Computer

  • The abacus was invented in China around 2400 BC.
  • The algorithm was developed in 1800 BC.
  • The use of computer trays began in Japan in 200 BC.
  • The calculator and clock were invented in 1624.
  • The digital computer was invented by Blaise Pascal of Paris in 1642.
  • The mechanical computer was developed by Charles Babbage in 1822.
  • The first electronic calculator was made by IBM in 1948.
  • The first electronic computer was developed in 1958.
  • In 1968 the first minicomputer (PDP-8) was built.
  • In 1972 INTEL developed the microprocessor.
  • In 1977 APPLE created the first personal computer.
  • Windows operating system was invented by Microsoft in 1985.

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